With cumulative coronavirus cases in Gujarat nearing 1.55 lakh, the state saw its seventh consecutive day of decline in fresh Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, with the addition of 1,158 cases. Ten others succumbed to the infection, including one death reported from Mahisagar and three deaths in Vadodara — the maximum fatality in the district since September 25.
Daily testing has taken a further drop, with fewer than 51,000 samples being tested across the state — the lowest reported since August 13 — which is at par with the number of samples being taken daily exactly two months ago.
In Ahmedabad district, the city limits continue to add 150-odd cases each day, even as Tuesday saw the addition of five new residential areas as new micro containment zones.
Meanwhile, Jamnagar added a 100 cases, seeing a slight surge after managing to keep cases below the 100-mark since September 27 — for 15 days.
The solid waste management department of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) sealed an SBI bank branch and an ATM kiosk in Mithakali area over non-adherence to social distancing norms.